Uh-oh! by Jenny Kjærbo

Order in English. Order in Yiddish.
Uh-oh! (in Yiddish: Gevald!) tells the story of a wayward young puffin who has a series of misadventures when he is left in charge of his baby brother’s egg. Translated into English by Jordan Kutzik and into Yiddish by Arun Viswanath, this charming metaphor for a child learning to accept a younger sibling will delight readers young and old. Featuring Kjærbo’s delightful illustrations, Kinder-Loshn Publication is proud to be bringing this Faroese book to a wider audience in Yiddish and English.
Jenny Kjærbo (Author/Illustrator): Raised on the island of Suðuroy in the Faroe Islands, Kjærbo is a graphic designer based in Copenhagen. Her children’s books have appeared in Faroese, Danish, Hungarian, and Spanish.
Arun “Arele” Schaechter Viswanath (Yiddish Translator): A polyglot scion of a prominent family of Yiddish cultural activists, Viswanath is also the Yiddish translator of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.